Hi, I’m becky.

I’m a women’s wellness practitioner, yoni steam facilitator and reiki practitioner. (I work with men and children also.)

I also own and operate a Women’s Coworking Community that has a focus on Wellness called The Space. We’re located in Grand Rapids and that’s where I serve my clients and co-work with amazing women.

I believe life is inherently sacred. Even the mundane, chaotic, intense and really hard stuff! A lot of the time we get caught up in how life SHOULD look but life is dynamic and we are all different. Plus life can feel so hard and painful at times or for long stretches. I’ve lived it and continue to live it (just like you). Life is ebb and flow. It doesn't just get easy all of the sudden, but we can shift our thoughts, learn tools and practices that help us out.

I have a passion for supporting people (specifically girls and women) through it all. We deserve to find our own Pathways to the Sacred so we can better ride the waves of life and feel less anxiety, worry and stress. We deserve to feel peace, harmony and empowerment MORE of the time.

The work I do can take many forms:

- Yoni Steaming (private & group session)
- Period Empowerment
- Reiki (all ages)
- Women’s Gatherings + Board Games

I have worked very intentionally to simplify my busy life with three sons and a supportive, chronically ill husband by having good communication, focusing on gratitude, and implementing different tools and practices that work for me. They have helped me immensely! I’m always learning though.

I will be sharing tools with you with the hope that you can utilize them to better navigate the difficult stuff with a little less struggle and a lot more ease. We all deserve to feel more physically, mentally, energetically and emotionally well.

At the root of everything I do, there lies authenticity, compassion and a genuine desire to bring more wellness and goodness into your life because we all deserve that. I hope you receive benefits from what I have to offer.

I understand

that real life can be incredibly challenging.

While I work at staying spiritually connected and maintaining practices for my overall wellness, I’m far from perfect. And I’ll never expect you to be perfect either. That’s just ridiculous! I like to keep it simple. Us humans tend to complicate stuff.

Whether I’m offering you Coaching, Reiki, Period Empowerment, or Yoni Steam Services, my aim is always to meet you exactly where you are. To see you and hear you.

I hope to be a person you can rely on for compassionate, authentic and practical support and encouragement, free from judgment or unrealistic expectations.

I wholeheartedly believe everyone should have access to wellness support, so I have my prices listed as is (tipping is not necessary), but I offer a “pay from the heart” option to anyone who needs it. No questions asked.

Here’s why I’m passionate about Yoni steaming.

You may wonder: how does one become a Yoni Steaming enthusiast, and start making her own steam saunas and herb blends? While I’ve always been interested in the ways we can use the natural gifts from the earth to care for ourselves, I found Yoni Steaming to be particularly powerful, and wanted to spread its benefits to as many women as possible! That’s why I founded Sacred Steam, a line of Yoni Steam products and services to make Yoni Steaming more accessible.

For generations, this practice has been helping women bring special attention and care to the incredibly important and life-giving parts of their bodies: the womb and vagina! As I bring this practice to more and more women through my 1:1 service, group Yoni Steams, and materials for at-home DIY steams, I am continually amazed by the positive impact this simple practice can have.

Contact me

Have questions about Yoni steaming, Reiki, Period Empowerment or events? Book a free 20-min. phone chat or drop me a note and let’s get the conversation started!


Ready to book an appointment? Book now or call (616) 284-1333