Yoni Steaming


Personalized Yoni steam session

This relaxing session includes a confidential Yoni Steam assessment, 25-minute Yoni Steam session with guidance, guided relaxation, customized Yoni Steam Herb Blend.

Postpartum Specific

The personalized yoni steam plus time to discuss the birth of your baby.

This session is best if done one week to six months after birth. Your newborn baby is welcome at this session.


Womb Care Session

This relaxing session includes an in-person Yoni Steam consultation, customized Yoni Herb Blend for the session, intention setting, 30 minutes of Reiki with focus on the womb area (on a comfortable massage table), guided relaxation, energy clearing with Sage, a 15–25-minute Yoni Steam.


Group Yoni STEAM session
(up to 6 people)

Embark on the Sacred Steam journey together! The small group session includes an intake form to make sure steaming is safe for each person at the time of the steam, guided meditation, empowerment cards, steaming information, and a 25-minute Yoni Steam session using the Universal Herb Blend.
Session length is 2 hours.

  • Menstrual Cramps

  • Unpredictable Cycles

  • Cysts and/or Fibroids

  • Endometriosis

  • STD’s

Yoni Steaming can help with:

  • Postpartum Healing

  • Birth Trauma

  • Post hysterectomy

  • Post Leap/Colposcopy

  • Discomfort During Sex

  • Incontinence

  • Vaginal, Bladder or Rectal Prolapse

  • Hemorrhoids

  • Connection to your body

  • Trauma that remained within (especially related to intimacy, fertility, childbirth, grief & shame)

  • Connection to feminine

Yoni Steam Services in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Whether it’s your first time doing a Yoni Steam, or you are an experienced Steamer - we strive to create a safe, comfortable, meaningful, and healing experience for you.

You can book an individual Yoni Steam service, a group service to enjoy with friends, or receive customized consulting on how to establish your own Yoni Steam practice at home. Regardless of the Yoni Steam service you select, we hope you’ll find sacred healing in this ancient practice!

All about
Yoni Steaming

Yoni Steaming is an ancient practice where a person sites over warm herbal steam to help promote a healthy body and womb. We humans often seek to improve our well-being through our mouths - we drink water or herbal tea, eat healthy foods, or take supplements.

But people with vaginas also have the ability to welcome nourishment through our lower bodies in the form of steam and herbs, and this practice can provide unique benefits physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


  • Sanskrit for “Sacred Temple”- The outer vagina, vaginal canal, cervix and up into the uterus as well as the fallopian tubes and ovaries. This is a portal, our creative space. We can literally create life in this space if we choose to.

  • Yoni steaming is a practice where a woman (or person with a Yoni) sits over warm herbal steam that permeates the exterior of her vagina and possibly up into her uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries (womb). The warmth increases blood circulation to your yoni, and it actually allows all your organs to function more efficiently and properly. It is also a potent way to administer herbal medicine because it goes directly into the bloodstream. This ritual calms the Spirit and activates powerful energy centers in the body and connects us to our Femininity.

  • Yoni Steaming is a Universal way of women that has been utilized all over the globe at every age and stage - menses, to postpartum to post-menopause. There is no one origin because it was practiced by our ancestors all over the globe!

  • -Pregnancy

    -Menstruating (fresh RED spotting)

    -When you have a burning itch

    -After insemination (or IUI/IVF transfer) when trying to conceive

    -When prone to continual heavy or spontaneous bleeding between periods

  • Endometrial/Uterine Ablation -procedure where the walls of the uterus are scarred over by being burnt.

    Tubal Cauterization - Burning of the fallopian tubes

    Essure Birth Control- an insert placed in the fallopian tubes which forms a barrier around it which then blocks the sperm from getting to the egg. Although there aren't any known cases it seems that vaginal steaming could potentially dislodge the Essure insert or clear out the barrier around the Essure insert.

    Patch Hormonal Birth Controls that prevent pregnancy by thickening the uterine lining and increasing mucous.

  • IUD (shorter steam session)

    Hormonal Birth Control

    Depo-Provera Shot

    Lichen Sclerosis



    Bacteria or Yeast Infections

    Interstitial Cystitis

    Bladder Infection

    High Blood Pressure

    Autoimmune Disorders

    Gynecological Disorders

    Retrofitted Uterus



  • Like getting into a perfect temperature bath or shower


    Hotter is NOT better!!!

    You should be able to relax your yoni, anus, thighs and entire body

    Calms the spirit - you feel at peace

    Easier to breath and can breathe deeper

  • - Menstrual cramps

    - Heavy flow

    - Unpredictable cycles

    - More than 5 days of menstrual flow

    - Bloating and/or tender breasts

    - Discomfort during ovulation

    - Cysts and/or fibroids

    - Endometriosis

    - Bladder infections

    - Bladder leakage or incontinence

    - Yeast infections

    - Vaginal, bladder or rectal prolapse

    - Constipation

    - Hemorrhoids

    - Postpartum recovery

    - Birth trauma

    - Scar tissue

    - Adhesions

    - Discomfort during sex

    - Deeper sleep

    - Reducing anxiety

    - Libido

    - Beautiful glowing skin

    - Inflammation throughout the body

    - More balanced moods

    - Healing from old emotional wounds

    - Trauma that remained within (especially related to intimacy/fertility/childbirth/ grief/shame)

    - Self care

    - Connection to your body

    - Connection to feminine

    and much more!

  • The average steam session is about 15-25 minutes a session, but it depends on several factors. Age, period length, and other sensitivities a person might have.

    Its best to set up a session with a certified practitioner if you are unsure.

    Twenty minutes is the sweet spot.

    Someone with herpes won’t need to steam that long though. Ten minutes will be enough because we don’t want to add to much heat to that area when it’s a hot natured infection.

  • This depends on the person, what they have going on and what they are trying to accomplish.

    Steaming once a week positively influences each season/phase of the menstrual cycle. When done consistently for 3 months in a row you can better see benefits. After that you can reassess and possibly modify.

    Some people who have chronic infections will benefit from steaming 10 days in a row as a cleanse with the disinfecting blend.

    It’s best to schedule a session to make sure you are steaming safely.

How to choose yoni steam herbs

All Sacred Steam Yoni Steam herbs have been created to help anyone with a vagina achieve a healthy menstrual cycle or relieve pelvic issues.

While all of the herbs are mixed as a formula and are designed to help to clear the uterus, improve vaginal flora, increase circulation, and help regulate the menstrual cycle - you’ll want to select the herb blend that best suits your type of cycle or treats the symptoms you are experiencing.

Read more about it in this blog post.

“Until last month, Yoni Steam was foreign to me. After my second session with Becky, it confirmed for me that every woman should be aware of this sacred ritual. Becky is an amazing facilitator & eases any doubts/fears with her extensive knowledge and understanding. Thank you for enlightening me!”

— Fawn Cruz